Friday, December 19, 2008

Neck injury

Your spinal cord contains the nerves that carry messages between your brain and body. The cord passes through your neck and back. A spinal cord injury is very serious because it can cause paralysis below the site of the injury.


When someone has a spinal injury, additional movement may cause further damage to the nerves in the cord and can sometimes mean the difference between life and death.

If you think someone could possibly have a spinal injury, DO NOT move the injured person even a little bit, unless it is absolutely necessary (like getting someone out of a burning car).

If you are in doubt about whether a person has a spinal injury, assume that he or she DOES have one.


  • Bullet or stab wound
  • Direct trauma to the face, neck, head, or back (e.g., car accidents)
  • Diving accident
  • Electric shock
  • Extreme twisting of the trunk
  • Sports injury (landing on head)
  • Major blow to the head or chest, car accident, fall from a great height


  • Head held in unusual position
  • Numbness or tingling that radiates down an arm or leg
  • Weakness
  • Difficulty walking
  • Paralysis of arms or legs
  • No bladder or bowel control
  • Shock (pale, clammy skin; bluish lips and fingernails; acting dazed or semi-conscious)
  • Unconscious
  • Stiff neck, headache, or neck pain

First Aid

The main goal is to keep the person immobile and safe until medical help arrives.

  1. Hold the person's head and neck in the position in which they were found. DO NOT attempt to reposition the neck. Do not allow the neck to bend or twist.


  1. Check the person's breathing and circulation. If necessary, begin rescue breathing and CPR.
  2. DO NOT tilt the head back when attempting to open the airway. Instead, place your fingers on the jaw on each side of the head. Lift the jaw forward.


Do not roll the person over unless the person is vomiting or choking on blood, or you need to check for breathing.

  1. Two people are needed.
  2. One person should be stationed at the head, the other at the person's side.
  3. Keep the person's head, neck, and back in line with each other while you roll him or her onto one side.


  • DO NOT bend, twist, or lift the person's head or body.
  • DO NOT attempt to move the person before medical help arrives unless it is absolutely necessary.
  • DO NOT remove a helmet if a spinal injury is suspected.

When to Contact a Medical Professional

Call you local emergency number if there has been any injury that affects the neck or spinal cord. Keep the person absolutely immobile. Unless there is urgent danger, keep the person in the position where he or she was found.


  • Wear seat belts.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and driving.
  • Avoid diving into pools, lakes, rivers and surf, particularly if you cannot determine the depth of the water, or if the water is not clear.
  • Avoid motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles.
  • Avoid "spearing" (tackling or diving into a person with your head).

Monday, November 24, 2008

Health Care Tips

n recent times, hi-tech lifestyles and busy schedules have been responsible for the poor health of large numbers of people all over the world. An unhealthy lifestyle, and the absence of a regular exercise routine, are the major causes of undue stress and poor health.

A proper health care regime is required to combat the mounting levels of stress, and to help maintain a balance in both professional and personal life. In a nutshell, taking good care of yourself involves managing stress levels, preventing common ailments, and leading a balanced lifestyle. Overall, looking after yourself includes all aspects of physical and mental well-being.

In order to avoid suffering from common ailments and to enjoy a healthy lifestyle, you just need to keep the following tips in mind:

Follow an exercise regime
You need to take time out from your busy and hectic schedule everyday and exercise. Exercising can go a long way towards keeping you fit and active, and giving you a feeling of vitality throughout the day. Doctors advise a brisk walk for about 40 minutes every day, and this is especially effective when done in the morning. Initially, you can start with just half an hour of walking if you do not have any more time than this to spare. A regular exercise routine also helps you to burn extra calories and will keep you fit.

Maintain your correct weight
Maintaining your correct weight does not necessarily mean that you have to starve yourself, or become emaciated. Instead, it means having a healthy body which is free from disease, and a healthy immune system. You need to take part in physical activities, as well as to reduce the intake of calories, in a proper and systematic manner. You should have a proper body mass index, where you are the correct weight for your height. This goes a long way towards helping you to keep active, and maintaining the health of your skin and hair.

Eat at regular intervals
It is better for your health to eat small amounts at regular intervals, instead of eating huge amounts all in one go. Eating too much at once can result in an accumulation of fat, which is really harmful. Try to eat smaller amounts at regular intervals.

Quit drinking and smoking
Regular smoking and drinking can have a very bad effect on your health. It may not be obvious when you are young, but it will become apparent as you grow older. If you want to have a healthy life during your retirement years, you need to quit drinking and smoking. Excessive drinking can cause irreversible damage to your liver. Regular smoking can damage your lungs to the extent that you find it extremely difficult to breathe.

Make sure you get an adequate amount of sleep
In order to have a healthy lifestyle and proper health, you must make sure that you have an adequate amount of sleep. This is one of the most significant factors for keeping a healthy mind and an active body. Sound sleep is most essential, as it helps your body to rejuvenate and your mind to relax. It is only adequate sleep that can give you that healthy facial glow.

Follow the above suggestions, keep your stress levels low, and good health can be yours. Meditation and yoga can also contribute to your happiness and health.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Anti Aging Skin Care

As we get older, it is inevitable that we are going to experience the signs of aging: fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, sagging skin, etc. Because it is virtually impossible to turn back the hands of time, it is crucial that we learn to take care of our skin early on. However, the way skin care works in your teens, 20s and 30s is very different from skin care in your 40s, 50s and beyond. For this reason alone, it is important to understand the concept of anti aging skin care.

The concept of anti aging skin care deals with the idea that aging skin presents its own set of challenges. The anti aging industry has made billions of dollars each year by formulating and distributing various new products that work to keep aging skin more youthful, supple, and resilient. If you're in the market for anti aging skin care products, it's important that you do you research about what type of items are available and which would be best for your needs.

Many of today's anti aging skin care products come in the form of serums, creams, and lotions. New versions are debuted all the time--each with its own claim to fame about the benefits it can provide your complexion. The most popular anti aging skin care items are those that eliminate and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face. These are the two most common signs of aging and the most annoying to deal with. Using special ingredients and formulations, these products work to plump out the skin and increase the production of collagen, which results in youthful skin that is softer, suppler, and--most important--free of fine lines and wrinkles.

Those who suffer from the signs of aging often due so because of sun damage from years of excessive sun exposure without the aid of sunscreen or sun block. Not only can being out in the sun unprotected put you at risk for serious conditions like skin cancer, it can also make you prone to premature aging. If you don't practice good sun care early on in your teen and young adult years, you run the risk of getting sun damage, which will result in the presence of early fine lines and wrinkles well before your time.

Quality anti aging skin care products can be found just about anywhere these days: fine department stores, grocery stores, and online. You can also seek the assistance of a dermatologist, who can help you figure out what products would benefit your skin the most and what steps you can follow to take better care of your complexion. Because each person reacts differently, it is important to test the product out on a patch of skin first. Doing this will reduce the chances of developing a negative skin reaction. If the anti aging skin care product you've purchased makes your skin worse, stop using it right away and return the product for a full refund.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Stop smoking

Many smokers feel unable to quit. In some cases, they feel it to be a stress buster or something that gives them peace of mind, helping them get over troubles. But is that really true? People who smoke are bound to harm their health. In the long run it will take its toll on their body, sometimes proving to be fatal. There are several options to help smokers give up smoking, or to help them cut down on their smoking. The one method which has been proven to be successful, that helps people quit smoking completely is Stop smoking hypnosis. Reaching to the inner mind and giving it directions to stop smoking is what the hypnotherapist does. During the process of stop smoking hypnosis, the patient is helped to relax, and become more sensitive to suggestion. This is when the therapist starts giving positive suggestions to help the client overcome the habit. These suggestions remain in the mind of the client, who then will ideally quit smoking completely with just one session of stop smoking hypnosis. But for some others, it could take longer, depending on how deeply rooted the problem is and their willingness to change it as well. For those who are wary of this treatment, the only solution is to give it a try and see how effective it is. Evidence shows that people have been cured to a point where they cannot stand the smell of tobacco or cigarette once the hypnosis therapy has been completed. That is how powerful this method of healing has been, so to quit smoking, give hypnosis a try. .

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Stop Ejaculating Early Tonight

If you want to stop ejaculating early, you need to learn the right techniques and put them into action. I used to be very "quick with the trigger" and I could never satisfy a woman, considering that it takes the average woman 20 minutes to achieve orgasm during intercourse. I was lucky to last 5 minutes! However, thanks to simple techniques that are very easy to duplicate, I became a "marathon man" and now I never climax involuntarily and I always satisfy my lovers!

To help other men become long-lasting, satisfying lovers like I did, here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about how to stop ejaculating early:

Are there certain sexual positions I can use that will keep me from ejaculating so early?

Usually, if you struggle with premature ejaculation, you can help yourself a little by having her be on top. When she is on top, your penis isn't stimulated as directly, and you can usually last longer. However, a better long-term solution is to re-train your body from the inside out to climax only when you (and she) are ready -- that way you can thrust away in any position!

Are there any creams I can apply to my penis to make it less sensitive?

None that will actually work. Desensitizing creams will only cause you discomfort and embarrassment. Who wants to have to interrupt foreplay to apply a sticky, smelly cream?

Is it really possible for me to stop ejaculating early using natural methods that require just my own body?

Absolutely. The key is to learn natural techniques for stopping premature ejaculation that require just your own body and NO pills or creams. Study up only on NATURAL techniques using unbiased sources, then formulate an action plan that suits your unique needs. The sooner you put it to use, the sooner you will see results. As soon as TONIGHT, you can be having better, longer lasting, more mutually satisfying sex!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Toothache Remedy

Toothache pain is one of the worst types of nagging annoyances a person can experience. From the throbbing pain, to being unable to eat this is truly something that draws sympathy. Many people simply can't afford to go to the dentist when they're teeth hurt so what is a person to do? There are several home remedies that you may want to give a try before you break down and spend the money with the dentist. However, a word of warning - you will be in danger if your tooth becomes abscessed and you should not put your health at risk. Try a few things first, if you want to, but if they don't relieve the pain or if your tooth becomes abscessed, then get yourself in to the dentist asap. Here are a few of "Grandma's Old Home Toothache Remedies" that you may want to try.

It has been proved that a pepper powder and salt mixture can help prevent dental cavities, gum bleeding, bad breath, gum pain, and tooth aches. If you have sensitive teeth to cold substances, then this mixture can also cure that as well. If the pepper powder and salt do not help the tooth ache, substitute the salt for clove oil instead.

Whiskey and Brandy have been a reliable source for pain relief for many years. It has been said to cure an infant's teeth pain, as well as flush out a cold. While this is not an acceptable use of treatment for children, it does wonders for a tooth ache. Soak a cotton ball in Whiskey or Brandy and then let it sit directly on the infected tooth. Soaking a cotton ball in vanilla extract is another method of relieving the pain of a tooth ache. The extract will numb the area. You can also swish the extract around as a mouth wash, and it will be just as effective.

Those with a tooth ache will usually try to treat the pain at home instead of having to go to the dentist's office. However, the worst thing that you can do is to try and ignore the pain in hopes that it will go away naturally. You can try and treat the problem at home, but your tooth pain might be caused by very serious problems such as a cavity, gum disease, or a cracked tooth. If the home remedies mentioned above fail to work, then it might be time to seek the help of a professional.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Prevent Sweating

The trick is to finding the right preventative method for you. And the key to that lies in knowing your body. Knowing what your sweating triggers are, knowing what conditions lessens your sweat, and what conditions makes your stop altogether.

Antiperspirants and deodorants don’t always work, and the product you have been using might have lost its effectiveness for you. Not everyone can use the same product for years without the body beginning to build up some type of immunity against it. This is one good reason to rotate your antiperspirants and deodorants. It not only keeps your body on its toes, but it also gives it a much needed change.

There are of course, other ways to prevent sweating which doesn’t make use of commercially available antiperspirants and deodorants. Some people find that the chemical substances and compounds to be found in these products are not to their taste and prefer the use of something closer to nature, such as a crystal rock deodorant.

These deodorants are supposed to work wonders, and although they don’t prevent sweating per se, it does help to eliminate the odor causing bacteria which gives your sweat that stale odor. If you only sweat moderately, and want to only get rid of the odor, then these crystal deodorants are just the thing for you.

There are other methods with which you can prevent sweating however, rather than just controlling the odor, and not all of these methods use the conventional methods of medication and treatment. Some of these methods which help you to prevent sweating lean more towards the holistic side of healing.

And although these methods work just fine and can even be good for you, if you have an underlying health condition, are taking medication, or are pregnant, you might first want to consult with your physician to make sure that you won’t suffer any adverse effects from using these methods to prevent sweating.

Herbal treatments and remedies are not the only way to go about holistic treatments however. You also have the option of using other methods such as acupuncture and homeopathy to help you prevent sweating.

If however, you’re thinking about using any of these treatment methods to prevent sweating, you will want to make sure that you engage the services of a trained professional in that particular field. Otherwise you might wind up having to deal with something other than your sweating problems.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Treating Ear Infections in Children

Children, including infants, are susceptible to viruses and germs that cause various kinds of infection. When these germs crash into the ears, several kinds of infections can take place. A swimmer's ear infection afflicts the outer portion the ear. When the infection hits the inner zones of the ear, the case gets labeled as middle ear infection. The irritating disorder causes the body to react by releasing yellowish viscous liquid or pus to the infected interior parts of the ear. The sticky liquid contains compounds that fight off bacteria.

The process of staving off ear infections creates pain. The interior of the ear beyond the eardrum looks like a small air pocket. The moment pus fills this portion of the ear, we feel as if something is going to explode. It creates throbbing sensations that make us irritated and uncomfortable.

The experience can get nastier among children. The infections, the process of fending them off, and the resulting pain and irritations, can get complicated and may cause fever. Also, the clogging of the interior parts of the ear with anti-bacteria liquid can create difficulties in hearing for some children.

Infants under the the age of three are the least capable of coping with ear infections. The Eustachian Tubes which connect the throat to the inner portions of the ear are not yet fully developed among this age group. These tubes facilitate air movements within the inner portions of the ear. With underdeveloped tubes, hostile germs trapped inside them multiply more easily, causing greater harm to the body. As the child grows, however, these tubes also increase their capacity to expel unwanted intruders such as infection-causing germs and viruses.

The common cold, which victimizes more children than adults, can also cause ear infections. This happens because cold likewise triggers a process that leads to dysfunctions in the Eustachian Tubes, allowing germs to slip into the middle portions of the ear. Hence although ear infections by themselves are not contagious, they can easily spread through the cold virus.

The family is therefore well advised to seek the help of physicians when anyone of its members shows signs of ear infections or even a recurring case of cold. Doctors examine the afflicted ear with a medical device called otoscope. The special apparatus emits light and makes the eardrum visible. The eardrum is a delicate thin membrane that separates the external portions of the ear from the interior parts. When needed, the Doctor can also use the otoscope to blow air into the ear and test the eardrum if it is working. The pus that fills the middle parts of the ear as a natural body response to the infection presses the eardrum and may cause it to turn red, swollen and disconfigured.

In such cases doctors recommend that a dose of pain relievers be taken for a couple of days. Moreover, they will prescribe anti-biotics for infection cases that are caused by bacteria. Applying anti-biotics can effectively check infections, but it must be done thoroughly and consistent with what the doctor prescribes to prevent the disease from coming back. Children who get inflicted with ear infections too often might be required to undergo other tests like tympanogram and audiogram.

Children need to be extra careful to prevent ear infection. Regular washing of hands is important. This prevents the spread of cold viruses. In the same manner, children need to keep distance from people who suffer from cold. If contact with persons who are infected with cold cannot be avoided, they must thoroughly and frequently cleanse their hands, and avoid touching their noses or eyes. Also, tobacco smoke adversely affects the normal functioning of Eustachian Tubes and can create dire consequences for children. Smokers will therefore do the children a favor if they keep themselves away from children.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Drugs and Medicines to Treat High Blood Pressure

What is Blood Pressure? All the tissues and organs of the body need nourishment in the form of oxygen, glucose, and minerals for their normal functioning. This nourishment is carried by the blood to various sites through the blood vessels by the pumping action of the heart. With each contraction of the heart, blood is pushed into the arteries. In healthy persons this pressure is normal, but in some it may be more than normal. This above normal pressure in the arteries is called high blood pressure or hypertension. In some cases it may be less than normal and is then termed low blood pressure or hypotension. Blood pressure has two components - Systolic (upper) and Diastolic (lower). It is written as 120/80 mm Hg which means 120 mm Hg systolic and 80 mm Hg diastolic. The abbreviation 'mm Hg' stands for millimeter of mercury. Correct Way to Measure BP: Routine office BP measurement is done in a sitting position. One has to sit quietly with back supported for 5 minutes and arm placed at the level of heart. Coffee tea or smoking are not allowed in the preceding hour. For establishing hypertension at least three readings, one week apart must be taken. At each sitting two readings should be taken to confirm diagnosis. Readings are taken in both arms and if there is a significant difference then the arm with higher reading is selected for subsequent measurements. In diabetics, BP is taken in supine or lying down position and repeated, 2 minutes later, in upright position. This is done to detect any fall in BP in upright position. This is very important in diabetics and elderly lest they may fall under the effect of medicines used to control hypertension. In a number of cases BP is higher in the physician's clinic than at home. This is due to a stress in the presence of doctor and is called as 'white-coat hypertension'. This phenomenon is more common in females. Self-check provide useful information on blood pressure response to treatment, may improve adherence to therapy and is useful in evaluating the extent of 'white-coat' hypertension. Home measurements can be done by 'dial type' variant of BP instrument, electronic self-inflating sets or by miniature versions which are placed on wrists. These instruments are reasonably accurate. However, they must be calibrated from time to time. This can be determined by measuring the blood pressure with an instrument called sphygmomanometer (BP measuring instrument). Normally, blood pressure varies from individual to individual, depending upon factors such as heredity, age, sex, nutrition, and body weight. A diastolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg or above is classified as hypertension and requires medical consultation. The treatment of BP is generally determined by the rise of systolic and diastolic BP. However, one should not get apprehensive if the BP goes above the normal limit once in a while. Types and Causes of Hypertension: Hypertension has been divided into two categories: essential or primary hypertension, and secondary hypertension. The exact cause of primary or essential hypertension is not known but there is generally a narrowing of the blood vessels. In secondary hypertension, there is involvement of other organs or systems such as the kidney, adrenal glands, and disorders like toxaemia of pregnancy. In secondary hypertension, the cause can be treated and blood pressure brought to normal. Primary hypertension lasts a lifetime and needs continuous treatment. Almost 90% cases of hypertension are of primary variety. Syndrome-X is given to a constellation of obesity, high BP, insulin resistance and raised blood lipids. It is commonly seen in our country.When Does Blood Pressure Become High? BP depends upon three important factors: force of contraction, the rate of beating of the heart, and the resistance to blood flow caused by the inner diameter of the blood vessels. Besides these, the volume of blood may also affect the BP. It is a common experience that emotional trauma or excitement, physical exercise or exertion increase the heart rate, which is experienced in the form of palpitation (bouncing or beating of the heart against the chest wall), resulting in a rise in BP. This is generally short-lived and does not require any treatment. The dangerous form of high BP is one which persists on repeated examinations. What Happens When the Blood Pressure Is High? The symptoms of high blood pressure may be related to elevated pressure itself, a disease of the blood vessel, or some other underlying diseases responsible for elevation of blood pressure. The most common symptom of elevated blood pressure is headache, specially in the back portion of the head. This is usually more severe when the person wakes up in the morning. Other symptoms are dizziness, giddiness, palpitation, and easy fatigability. In more severe cases the symptoms are bleeding through the nose or blood in the urine, blurring of vision due to changes in the arteries of the retina (screen for vision in the eye), incidence of dizziness or fainting due to transient decrease in blood flow to the brain, pain in the chest, and breathlessness. When blood supply of brain is drastically reduced, paralysis or 'stroke' may occur.It is a well-established fact that hypertension may be both the cause and effect of heart or kidney disorders, and may decrease the life expectancy of a person. Statistics show that hypertension, if untreated, shortens the life span of a person. There is 2-4 fold increase in ischaemic heart disease. High blood pressure is also the second most common cause of kidney failure. It is, therefore, important to detect the cause early and start the treatment. The treatment consists of general measures and drugs therapy. Any BP above 140/90 mm Hg should be treated. New evidence shows that BP should be kept below 130/80 mm Hg in pregnancy. diabetes and kidney disease.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Burn Stomach Fat and Stay Healthy

A 'pot belly'... 'love handles'.... the 'spare tire' are all terms used to describe the belly fat or stomach fat that many of us put on. It is the area of the body that many people want to do something about. The fat accumulation is more in the stomach and related areas.

We lead busy life in today's world and the food we eat is not always hygienic and healthy. The excessive intake of food irrespective of the life that we lead is the main cause of fat accumulation on the stomach area. This area is more prone to the accumulation of fat along with some other areas like the hips, the underside of the arms etc. There are many people who want to burn stomach fat fast.

The most important step to burn stomach fat is to eat low fat food. The diet is an important prerequisite in burning stomach fat. This diet should be a balanced diet and should contain more fiber rich foods. There should be ample fruits and vegetables in our diets.

The two methods to burn stomach fat are to eat right and to exercise everyday. The fastest way to burn stomach fat is a combination of the right diet and weight training and aerobic exercises. If you are having the right diet and exercise regularly you can burn stomach fat easily.

The right combination of weight training and aerobic exercises helps to burn fat and gain muscle. The combined exercise program for belly fat burning involves the combination of weight training and aerobic exercise on alternate days of the week.

Weight training exercises can be done on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and the aerobic exercises on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday with an off day on Sunday.

These exercises help to burn fat and gain muscle and the more the muscle the greater is the rate of metabolism to burning excess fat. So the building of muscles has many benefits.

The diet should consist of light food and avoid fried foods as much as possible. The exercise should start with the light body warm up. The light aerobic exercises are ideal for this. As stomach fat is accumulated in the middle section of the body, the right exercises are those that exercise this part of the body.

This is the routine you have to follow to burn stomach fat and have a lean stomach which can be your pride.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What You Need to Know About High Cholesterol

The aim of this article is to open your eyes to the hazards of increment in cholesterol level in our body, the causes that instigate it and few well -known medicines that are efficient in curtailing the adverse effects of this rising cholesterol.

Cholesterol is defined as the substance, which is found in blood, fats and tissues of our body and the excess of which can cause a heart attack. So, a surge in the cholesterol level of the body chimes the alarm of risk to the most precious organ- heart. But cholesterol does not function only negatively. It has a positive task of building the cell walls of one's body cells and producing the essential hormone called estrogen or testosterone. Normal quantity of cholesterol that is less than 200 milligrams is not harmful to human body.
However, the cholesterol level in the body increases due to many reasons. Some of the significant ones are-

Cholesterol is problematic for those whose bodies cannot secrete large amount of fatty substances.

Intake of cholesterol abounding food or what is known as a poor diet.

Lack of exercise with regular heavy eating.

Obesity due to food habits or hormonal imbalance
Hereditary or genetic transfer prevalent in instances where family has a history of heart ailments.

On behalf of these origins doctors advise people to keep a check on their diet, other addictives like narcotics, alcohol etc. and to engage in work- outs like exercises and the like.

Symptoms- High cholesterol can be identified with the appearance of soft yellow skin close to your eyes and the lack of energy or weariness due to clogging of the arteries.

Medication- Few medicines that are deemed to be considerably efficient in case of cholesterol management are-

Advicor is prescribed when the LDL i.e. the low-density lipoprotein and HDL- high-density lipoprotein are inadequate in body. Advicor are Lovastatin and Niacin. These help in plummeting the cholesterol level. This medicine should never be eaten empty stomach. A combo of exercise, rich diet (where nutrition supersedes fats and cholesterol) and Advicor can produce wonderful effects. However, the medicine should be avoided in case the person is allergic to Niacin and Lovastatin, is suffering from liver or any such disease and in case of pregnancy, breast feeding etc. It is best to take Advicor on advice your physician. Like other medicines, Advicor too has its own side effects.

Zocor is another name in the list of cholesterol regulating medicines. It is most often prescribed when the LDL reaches 130 and there is a huge threat of a heart attack. Zocor reduces the possibility or peril of bypass surgery, angioplasty etc. to a great extent.

Lescol is mostly recommended in cases where the individual is liable or has already undergone a cardiac arrest or blocking of arteries and other such problems. The drug is meant for those patients who are impotent in reducing their cholesterol with low fats and poor cholesterol food. Lescol too should not be taken in situation of pregnancy and breast feed for it can have drastic repercussions on the fetus.

Lipitor is also a suggested medicine when the LDL scales to 130 or more. It too functions as a drug helpful in lowering the blood cholesterol and so the threat of a heart disorder.

Along with these and many other noteworthy prescriptive drugs what should be borne in mind is the regularity that is required in taking them and the exercises and diet prescribed to accentuate their effect. Recklessness in any of these measures can be fatal to your life

Friday, August 15, 2008

New Lasik Surgery Techniques

New lasik surgery is so much better than in the past and promises a greater range of correction options, better vision after the surgery and less complications and risks. In the long run this means that more people can get rid of their contact lenses and glasses and will be able to experience the benefits of laser vision correction.

The current lasik procedures can correct problems of nearsightedness, far sightedness and astigmatisms, but have not been able to address problems with the thickness and shape of the cornea or severe vision problems and problems with night vision due to risky complications. The side effects of the current lasik procedures include painful dry eyes, halo's and painful bursts of light and blurry vision.

New lasik procedures will allow an eye surgeon to scan the eye to determine the thickness and shape of the cornea more accurately prior to ever actually firing a laser. This will give laser eye surgeons a much better initial evaluation of the problem that needs to be corrected, will help them determine better treatment options and will help to avoid unnecessary complications related to lasik surgey.

Clinical trials of the new lasik surgery procedures have shown patients returning to near perfect levels of vision within one month of having the eye surgery. They were able to see more clearly and in more detail much sooner after their lasik surgery was completed. In the past lasik patients would have to wait up to 6 months for their vision to be completely restored to normal. This is a huge leap in recovery time and is a great benefit to those people contemplating lasik surgery.

With new lasik procedures the eye surgeon begins by taking a 'picture' of the patients cornea with lasik imaging software. This is then run through recognition software to make a map of the persons eye, showing the thickness and shape of the eye in great detail. These 'eye maps' allow lasik surgeons to make much more precise adjustments and also to plan in advance for possible complications from lasik surgery.

With the new lasik surgery techniques the eye surgeon can keep the natural shape of the cornea, remove less tissue and can even correct night vision problems. New lasik techniques also leave the patient more comfortable since the laser bursts are much shorter, typically just 20 seconds, compared with the 60 second bursts that are needed now. Less damaging, less painful and faster recovery are all benefits of new lasik surgery techniques.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Fight Allergies with Vitamins

Allergies are abnormal reactions to normally harmless substances. The allergens can be inhaled, swallowed or come into contact with the skin.

Allergens that most frequently cause problems are: pollen, mold, dust, foods, animal dander, insect bites, insect spores, viruses and bacteria.

Normally the human body learns to defend itself though experience. That is by attacking a foreign substance that has invaded and harming the body by producing antibodies. The best know of these antibodies are called histamines. Some times the immune system mistakenly recognizes a foreign to be harmful when it is not. This can lead to the overproduction of histamines specially designed to destroy the specific foreign substance.

If the overproduction of the histamines is large enough the surrounding tissue is also damaged resulting in sneezing, a stuffy head, sniffing, stuffed-up head, red and watery eyes or a skin rash.

A person with Allergies is burdened with an overprotective immune system and is forever on guard against everyday things that don't bother the rest of us. It might be a cute affectionate kitten, a patch of green grass, to a slice of fresh garden tomato.

Some of us can roll in poison ivy and come out without any problems, while others can merely brush up against a few leaves of the stuff and there are scratching for weeks. In most cases, allergies are more annoying that debilitating but to the extreme allergy suffers life can be pure misery or even death.

There are five main types of Allergic Reactions:

Type 1.Foods, mold, animal dander, pollen, or dust can cause an immediate allergy attack. Whey your body responds to the invasion, your body releases histamine from the irritated area such as the skin, nasal and bronchial areas.

Type 2.Allergens combine with healthy cells in the your body and attack the health cells. This is common in upper gastro intestinal tack.

Type 3.Allergens invade the immune system and can cause injury to cells throughout the body.

Type 4.T-cells become activated and result in an inflammation of the effected area. An example of this is a rash caused by poison ivy.

Type 5.Instead of the antibodies binding to the cell components as they do in type 2 allergies the antibodies bind to the receptors on the surface of the cells.

We all carry a heavy load of various stress factors that slowly wear out our immune systems, over the years, making us more susceptible to allergy attacks. We are exposed to many more environmental pollutants and industrial toxins that ever before in history.

No mater what type of allergy you are suffering from their is a good chance that you can find relief from it. You can fight allergies with vitamins and over the counter products.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with Allergies such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Pantothenic Acid, Glucosamine, Antioxidants, Allergy Aid, and Quercitin.

Vitamin A is a known antioxidant and can assist the human body in the healing process. Vitamin A is stored in the liver and fat cells of the human body and can reach toxic levels. DO NOT take more than the recommended dosage of Vitamin A.

Up to one-third of older people can no longer absorb Vitamin B from their food. Vitamin B is needed to form red blood cells and keep nerves healthy.

Vitamin C is nature's protective nutrient, essential for defending the body against pollution and infection and enhances the bodies immune system.

Beta Carotene protects the mucus membranes of the mouth, nose, throat and lungs. It also helps protect Vitamin C from oxidation, which enables it to perform at optimum efficiency.

Vitamin E protects the lung tissue from inhaled pollutants and aids in the functioning of the immune system.

Many find Pantothenic Acid to be very helpful against allergy symptoms. It is another form of nontoxic B vitamins. Pantothenic Acid is critical in the metabolism and synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Glucosamine is an anti-inflammatory and may give some relief from allergy symptoms.

Substances called antioxidants can neutralize free radical by pairing up or binding with the free radical elections thus inhibiting them from damaging cells in the human body.

Allergy Aid supplies 9 beneficial Herb's to help provide temporary relief of respiratory allergies. The natural action of these specific Herb's help to open bronchial tubes and ease breathing.

Quercitin is a well known flavonoid. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants and can reduce inflammation boost the immune system and strengthen blood vessels and improve circulation. Quercitin is also known for its ability to block the release of histamines, thus reducing or preventing allergy symptoms.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

How Can I Lower My Blood Pressure

What is Blood Pressure?

When do we say that a person(s) is suffering with Blood Pressure?

Blood Pressure also called as Hypertension has become a very common among us these days. Blood Pressure in short called as B.P. is one's systolic pressure and diastolic pressure measurements. If we consult a doctor he wraps a band around our biceps and records the measurement for example:- 120/80. Here 120 is the systolic pressure and 80 is the diastolic pressure. One may be enigmatic over what are these systolic and diastolic pressures are? Let me explain you....

Systolic pressure is the force exerted by the heart on the blood vessels when it pumps blood whereas Diastolic pressure is the lowest pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of blood vessels when heart is relaxed. Both these measurements are important to make a note.

A person suffering from high values of these pressures is said to be having high B.P.

Well, with this understanding lets go deep and know the affects of B.P. But before that lets know the causes

Causes for B.P.?

Over Anxiety, Enormous Exercises, Nervousness are some of the causes to have high reading of the measurements(systolic and diastolic pressures).Before knowing the affect of each of the above causes lets know what happens if we neglect this?Neglecting this may hampers one's health. We may face premature strokes and also heart attacks. It is advised to consult a Physician when the you feel uncomfortable.

Now lets know each factor causing BP in detail

Every one has blood pressure and this varies from individual to individual. Some may have High value which causes health problems. Researchers say that there are some factors which we cannot be controlled on the other hand we also have some factors that we can control in order to keep it in limits. Are you thinking "how can i lower my blood pressure?" So, lets know what are those factors that we can control.

Exercise makes oneself Healthy. Regular exercise contribute for well being and healthy body. A scheduled work out like walking, jogging, swimming, cycling will keep your body fit.

Another important factor is food, What we eat? And How much we eat? is very much a important concern in keeping ourselves healthy. Eating a Fibre rich, Fat low, high protein and Low Cholesterol food such as vegetables like tomatoes, potatoes, mangoes, leafy vegetables, pulses etc., will make us healthy. Try to avoid junk food which disturbs your appetite.

Alcohol & Smoking are another important factors on which we can have a regulation. Over consumption of alcohol will affect the human health. We don't say you to stop consuming it completely but limit yourself to a peg or two. We know that Smoking is Injurious to Health. Smoking causes peripheral vascular disease as well as hardening of the arteries. So stop smoking and let your life go rocking.

Add Salt to taste in your food because Excessive usage of Salt in your diet increases B.P. It seems to be puzzling, but its a fact. Sodium is the major content in salt. The human adult needs 1teaspoon of table salt per day on an average this amount to an equivalent of approximately 2 to 3 grams of salt. A low-sodium diet may decrease the likelihood of heart or kidney disease and stroke and also B.P.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Saving Money on Blood Pressure Medication

For years, people who have been troubled by both high blood pressure and diabetic kidney problems have believed that the more expensive blood pressure medications gave them an added benefit in the form of protection for their kidneys. So, they tended to spend extra dollars on expensive blood pressure medications even though cheaper generic equivalents were available. The less expensive generics, they were being told by their doctors, did less to help keep their kidneys healthy.

But a recent study on medications and their relationship to kidney health has cast doubt on conventional wisdom.

The study, conducted in the United Kingdom, suggests that the more expensive medications offer no more benefit to the kidneys than the less expensive generics. The real key, the study seems to say, is finding a medication that brings blood pressure down.

Dr. Raymond MacAllister at the Centre for Clinical Pharmacology at University College in London was quoted by HealthDay Reporter as saying, "In patients with high blood pressure who are at risk of progressive kidney disease -- particularly diabetics -- it doesn't matter which drug you use, provided you get good control of the blood pressure."

The current guidelines for treating blood pressure in patients with kidney disease, especially diabetics, calls for the use of two types of drugs -- angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin-II receptor blockers (ARB). These are considered to be first-line medications to help lower blood pressure in those who have diabetic kidney disease. For several years, medical professionals have assumed that these drugs have specific protective effects for the kidneys, beyond their ability to lower blood pressure.

But the study done my MacAllister's group and published in the December 10, 2005 issue of The Lancet questions such assumptions.

The British team looked at evidence supporting the use of ACE inhibitors and ARBs as first-line treatment for patients with kidney disease. They reviewed and examined results from 127 trials that investigated blood pressure-lowering drugs on the progression of kidney disease.

They found that ACE inhibitors and ARBs fared no better than other blood pressure-lowering drugs in preventing diabetic kidney disease. It was also unclear if these two drug classes were more effective in patients with non diabetic kidney disease.

McAllister also noted that the study would not come as welcome news to some pharmaceutical companies.

But it will certainly please consumers who are already strapped and struggling with the high cost of blood pressure and kidney disease medications.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Brushing Prevents Heart Attacks

What's the simplest way to prevent a heart attack? Just keep your mouth clean by means of brushing and flossing. Experts say this simple act could save your life.

Doctors have long suspected that there may be a link between oral health and heart disease. That link became clearer after a recent study showed that those with blocked arteries had a severe case of gum disease.

At the annual meeting of the European Society of Cardiology in Vienna, Austria, French researcher Dr. Nicolas Amabile said that patients with artery disease often had bad teeth caused by periodontitis or periodontal disease.

In this condition, the gums become swollen due to the accumulation of plaque around the teeth. As the gums become irritated, they recede and there is pain when eating hot, cold or sweet foods. Untreated, teeth loosen and fall out. This can be prevented with good oral hygiene in the form of brushing, flossing and regular visits to the dentist.

"Your mouth is normally teeming with bacteria. Usually you can keep these bacteria under control with good oral health care, such as daily brushing and flossing. Saliva is also a key defense against bacteria and viruses. It contains enzymes that destroy bacteria in different ways. But harmful bacteria can sometimes grow out of control and lead to periodontitis, a serious gum infection," warned Mayo Clinic doctors.

Amabile found that the more severe periodontitis is, the greater the risk of heart disease. He arrived at this conclusion after he and his team of French dentists and cardiologists studied 131 patients who were referred to their hospital in Marseille, France.

"The most severe teeth disease was associated with the most widespread arterial lesions. Since periodontitis is easily accessible to treatment with antibiotics and dental care, one might think its treatment could also be beneficial for coronary artery disease. This has to be confirmed with larger studies but may represent a new original approach to handle heart disease in the future." he told Jenny Hope of the Daily Mail.

Researchers have yet to discover how gum disease triggers heart disease but they suspect that bacteria from infected gums are the answer. They believe that bacteria from gum disease can enter the bloodstream and travel through the arteries to the heart, posing a risk to cardiovascular health.

"When your gums are healthy, bacteria in your mouth usually don't enter your bloodstream. However, gum disease may provide bacteria a port of entry into your bloodstream. Sometimes invasive dental treatments can also allow bacteria to enter your bloodstream. And medications or treatments that reduce saliva flow or disrupt the normal balance of bacteria in your mouth may also lead to oral changes, making it easier for bacteria to enter your bloodstream. Some researchers believe that these bacteria and inflammation from your mouth are linked to other health problems in the rest of your body," said Mayo Clinic doctors.

To preserve your good health, don't forget to brush daily, especially after meals. Make it a daily habit to save your heart.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

How to Use Folk Medicine to Treat Bruises

Folk medicine has long been used to treat simple conditions like bruises and scrapes, to complex conditions like arthritis. Folk medicine is a traditional, often regionally-based form of medical care that predates modern medicine by millennia. You may successfully treat bruises at home using time-honored folk medicine techniques, many of which can be accomplished with a simple trip to the grocery store or with the help of items already available in your pantry. Follow these steps to learn how.

Realize that if a bruise is extremely, painfully sensitive to the touch, a bone may be broken underneath. This may also indicate that a tendon has been damaged.

Seek the assistance of a doctor when you think there's internal physical damage beneath a bruise. The limits of folk medicine must be respected.

Visit a doctor if a bruise persists for more than 3 weeks.

Treat the Bruise

Elevate the affected limb to ease circulation. If a limb is not affected, immobilize the wounded body part by lying down. Continue for up to 24 hours.

Apply ice to bruises to fight swelling and encourage faster healing.

Use a frozen bag of peas or other small vegetables in lieu of an ice pack for greater surface coverage. The peas or vegetables will maintain their frozen shape longer than ice. They thaw at a slower rate. They also mold nicely to the body. Use again after re-freezing.

Drink herbal tea while recuperating. This folk-medicine practice may help treat a bruise by helping control your blood flow.

Learn more about folk medicine remedies for bruising at

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Affordable Health Care

Locating affordable health care for Americans is not as easy as it used to be. Whilst increased premiums are part of the reason, many employers are reducing the level of cover due to budgetary cutbacks. It is because I am one of the many affected by this that I know because prior to this year my companys health care package was really good. My employers excuse was it was getting to expensive with the current company and was going to switch to a less expensive one.Unfortunately, the old system did not benefit everyone in the company but the new one would, it was claimed. I am told that the new insurance package is still very good and I am lucky to have it. I don not mind other workers benefiting but it costs me more now, almost twice as much more to have my family covered in the plan. This means, that for my company to provide a health plan to all of the employees, it is no longer affordable for us. To be honest, I got on well with the old provider but cannot see that happening here even if the health care plan is half decent. The new affordable health care plan initiated by my company meant that certain workers found themselves a lot worse off financially with additional co-pays and expenses. It makes more sense when you realize just how good the old policy was because I did not pay cent when I stayed in hospital 2 years ago giving birth to my daughter. Compare this to the new health care plan and I would be out of pocket by over 4,000 dollars.This figure does not take into account additional amounts I must pay out of my salary. Luckily there are more and more affordable health care programs being created to help those that do not have any coverage. Those less fortunate can now get free health care more readily and workers without health care are able to join special schemes. In principle, these plans are a good thing but there are always those that misuse it making the situation difficult for genuine cases.Those programs should be for struggling families who are taking steps to better their futures, not for people who have no motivation and live off of the state systems and affordable health care programs. We often forget who is ultimately paying for these schemes; My employer definitely found advantages in finding a lower cost health plan provider for their employees! Many of the workers found themselves subsidizing the companys desire to save money yet still provide a scheme by ensuring that they paid in their paychecks. In the long term we really need to do something in America to help those in need find affordable health care.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Allergy Testing

Allergy Testing:-
Allergy tests are any of several tests used to determine the substances to which a person is allergic.
There are many methods of allergy testing. Among the more common are:
Skin tests
Elimination-type tests
Radioallergosorbent test (RAST)
Skin tests are the most common. Specific methods vary. The scratch test, one of the most common methods, involves placing a small amount of suspected allergy-causing substances on the skin, usually the forearm, upper arm, or the back. Then, the skin is scratched or pricked so the allergen goes under the skin's surface. The health care provider closely watches the skin for signs of a reaction, usually swelling and redness of the site. Results are usually obtained within about 20 minutes, and a number of allergens can be tested at the same time.
A similar method involves injecting a small amount of allergen under the surface of the skin and watching for a reaction at the site.
Skin tests are most useful for diagnosing:
Insect bite allergies
Penicillin allergy
Respiratory allergies
Penicillin and closely related medications are the only drugs that can be tested using skin tests. Skin tests for other drugs are at best non-informative and can be dangerous.
An elimination diet can be used to check for food allergies. An elimination diet is one in which the suspected foods are avoided for several weeks and then gradually re-introduced one at a time while the person is observed for signs of an allergic reaction.
Another version of this diet is the double-blind test. This method involves giving suspected foods and harmless substances in a disguised form. The person being tested and the provider are both unaware of whether the substance tested in that session is the harmless substance or the suspected food. A third party knows the identity of the substances and identifies them with some sort of code. This test requires several sessions if more than one substance is under investigation.
While the double-blind strategy is useful and practical for mild allergic reactions, it must be done carefully in individuals with suspected severe reactions to foods. Blood tests may be a safer first approach. Skin testing is almost never performed to detect food allergies because of the higher risk of causing a severe allergic reaction.
RAST measures the amount of specific IgE antibodies in the blood. These antibodies are present if there is a true allergic reaction.Other blood tests include:

Blood differential
Serum immunoglobulin electrophoresis
Provocation (challenge) testing involves exposing a person to a suspected allergen under controlled circumstances. This may be done in the diet or by breathing in the suspected allergen. This type of test may provoke severe allergic reactions. Challenge testing should only be done by a doctor.
Before any allergy testing, the health care provider will ask for a very detailed medical history. This may include questions about such things as illnesses, emotional and social conditions, work, entertainment, lifestyle, foods, and eating habits.
If skin testing will be performed, you should NOT take antihistamines before the test. This may lead to a false-negative result, falsely reassuring you that a substance is unlikely to cause a severe allergic reaction. Your doctor will tell you which medicines to avoid and when to stop taking them before the test.
Skin tests may cause very mild discomfort when the skin is scratched or pricked. Itching may accompany a positive reaction to the allergen.
Allergy tests are used to determine the specific substances that cause an allergic reaction in an individual.
They may also be used to determine if a group of symptoms is a true allergic reaction, which involves antibodies and histamine release. Some food intolerances, in which there is an inability to digest a food because of lack of appropriate enzymes, produce symptoms similar to allergies. Some drugs, such as aspirin, can cause allergy-like symptoms without the formation of antibodies or the release of histamine.Additional conditions under which the test may be performed:
Allergic rhinitis
Contact dermatitis
Nasal obstruction
In a nonallergic person, allergy tests should be negative (no response to the allergen).
Most often, a positive test means you are allergic to the substance in question. The skin tests are most reliable when testing for airborne substances (such as animal dander or pollen). However, if the dose of allergen is excessive, a positive reaction will occur even in persons who are not allergic.Risks related to skin and food allergy tests may include:
Allergic reaction
Life-threatening anaphylactic reaction
The accuracy of allergy testing varies quite a bit. Even the same test performed at different times on a person may give different results. A person may react to a substance during testing, but never react during normal exposure. A person may also have a negative allergy test and yet still be allergic to the substance.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Breast Cancer Screening

Women need to empower themselves about the benefits and risks of mammography and examine the additional screening tools available today. One current philosophy suggests breast health screening should begin at age 25. Where does this recommendation come from and why is this valid?
For MOST women, the recommendation for annual breast cancer screening begins at the age of 40. Unfortunately, the American Cancer Society stated that the number one cause of death in women between the ages of 40-44 is breast cancer. So what does this mean for women? It means that we screen at age 40 and potentially find tumors that have been growing for an estimated 8-10 years. Mammography, like most conventional tests, evaluates structure.
There exists a technology that can detect an issue YEARS before a tumor can be seen on X-ray or palpated during an exam. This technology has been approved by the FDA as an adjunctive screening tool since 1982 and offers NO RADIATION, NO COMPRESSION AND NO PAIN. For women who are refusing to have a mammogram or those who want clinical correlation for an existing problem, digital infrared thermal imaging may be of interest.
There are very strict protocols both for testing and interpreting. Perhaps due to these guidelines, thermography (as with all digital technology) has exploded in its technique and capabilities. Thermal cameras detect heat emitted from the body and display it as a picture on a computer monitor. These images are unique to the person and remain stable over time. It is because of these characteristics that thermal imaging is a valuable and effective screening tool. Tumors or other breast diseases measures warmer than surrounding tissue and can thereby alert a physician to a problem before a tumor is actually palpable.
Medical doctors who interpret the breast scans are board certified and endure an additional two years of training to qualify as a thermologist. Thermography is not limited by breast density and is ideal for women who have had cosmetic or reconstructive surgery. It is recommended that since cancer typically has a 15 year life span from onset to death, women begin thermographic screenings at age 25. As previously mentioned, the number one killer of women ages 40-44 is breast cancer. Therefore, a woman diagnosed with breast cancer at age 40 possibly had the cancer as early as age 30. Since most women do not have a mammogram until age 40, there is a critical time period from age 25 to 39 that thermography could be especially beneficial. Thermography, because it analyzes function, may identify a problem years earlier. DITI may allow women time and opportunity to support their immune system, change their lifestyle and give their body the best chance to alter their fate.
By combining both technologies, the detection rate increases to 95-98%, surpassing either technology as a stand-alone therapy. Thermography, like mammography, is a personal choice for women. This decision ideally should be made in collaboration between you and your physician. However, thermography does not require a physician's order.
Thermographic screening is not covered by most insurance companies but is surprisingly affordable for most people. For more information or to find a certified clinic in your area, go to
Brenda Witt is co-owner of Proactive Health Solutions in Southern California. She is an American College of Clinical Thermology (ACCT) certified thermographer in the Orange County area.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

A simple approach to good skin care

Facial skin care is a very confusing world with thousands of products available in stores and on-line as well as innumerable beauty ads which have no boundaries to their stated claims given that they are not FDA-sanctioned pharmaceuticals. How does the average person who wants to just improve their skin and facial appearance weave their way through this maze?

First and foremost, like all things in medicine, a diagnosis has to be made. You can't very well select the right treatment if you don't have a working diagnosis as to the skin problems. This can be done in two ways; being evaluated by a very experienced aesthetician who has a lot of medical experience (i.e., working in a doctor's office preferably a plastic surgeon or dermatologist) and/or getting a Visia skin complexion analysis. Like a CAT scan for your skin, this computerized digital skin analysis system evaluates everything from wrinkles, pore size, to the amount of sun damage...and documents it photographically. This provides not only a set of diagnoses for the skin but also becomes a reference from which to judge the results of any future treatments.

From a product and treatment standpoint, there are only 5 things you can do to your skin...that's it! All skin care products and even more invasive skin treatments attempt to address one or all of them. as there is nothing topically more that can be done. These five functions include: cleanse, hydrate, protect, exfoliate, and stimulate. All of these different effects combined create smoother and tighter skin. If all five functions are achieved in a skin care program, then the best results can be obtained. If only one or two of these product functions are done, then the skin results will be less. Simplistically, a cleanser is needed morning and night, a daytime moisturizer/sunscreen protestant, and noctural regimens of exfoliation (e.g., AHA, lactic acids, Retina-A) alternating with stimulants (e.g., Vitamin C and peptides) comprise a basic program. The most variable part of this regimen is what you do at night with exfoliation and collagen stimulation. Getting professional aesthetician help is critical. Many product lines today already have it laid out for you in kits or steps. As you can see, there is no good reason for more than 5 to 7 skin care products, if they are properly selected and monitored. And the good news is....A good medical line usually turns out to be more cost-effective than randomly choosing products from an over-the-counter salesperson.

The fundamental concept in medical skin care to day is....simplifying, a focused approach, and monitor the results and how you react to them. If you then add in regular exfoliations with microdermabrasions and chemical peels....with an inject able filler or a little Botox if are on your way to better-looking skin with a good return on your investment.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Vitamin safety

Does the government monitor the safety of vitamins?

No. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) monitors drugs but not vitamins. However, standard vitamin and mineral tablets are considered relatively risk-free if you avoid high doses. Keep in mind that most experts feel that it is best to get your vitamins from eating a variety of foods, rather than taking pills. Very high doses of some vitamins, such as vitamin A or E, can make you ill or may increase the risk of developing other health problems. Consult your physician before taking any "mega" doses of any particular vitamin.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Nevus araneus

Spider angioma is an abnormal collection of blood vessels near the surface of the skin.

A spider angioma lesion typically has a red dot in the center with reddish extensions radiating out for some distance around it (a few millimeters to a centimeter or more). Spider angiomas can occur anywhere but are most common on the face and trunk.

Spider angiomas are very common and are especially prevalent during pregnancy and in patients with liver disease.

  • Vascular (blood vessel) lesion
    • May have a red dot in the center
    • Has reddish extensions that radiate from the center
    • Disappears with pressure and reappears when the pressure is released.
  • Common in both children and adults
  • Most frequently seen on the face and trunk

No testing is usually necessary, but a skin biopsy may be needed to confirm the diagnosis in some cases.

Treatment is generally not necessary. In some cases, electrocauterization or laser treatment may be used.

Spider angiomas often disappear in children but tend to persist in adults.

A spider angioma can usually be examined at a routine visit. It is especially important for adults to mention the development of a new spider angioma, to rule out associated medical conditions.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Treatment of delayed ejaculation

If the man has never ejaculated through any form of stimulation (such as wet dreams, masturbation, or intercourse), a urologist should be consulted to determine if there is a congenital or physical cause.

If, however, he is able to ejaculate in a reasonable period of time by some form of stimulation, he should seek sex therapy from a therapist specializing in ejaculatory problems. Treatment usually includes both partners. The therapist will usually educate the couple about the fundamentals of sexual response and how to communicate and guide the partner to provide ideal stimulation, rather than trying to make a sexual response occur.

Therapy commonly involves a series of homework assignments wherein the couple, in the privacy of their home, engage in sexual activities that reduce performance pressure and focus on pleasure.

Typically, sexual intercourse will be prohibited for a limited period of time, while the couple gradually enhances their ability to enjoy ejaculation through other types of stimulation.

In cases where there is a problematic relationship or an inhibition of sexual desire between the couple, therapy to enhance the relationship and emotional intimacy may be required as a preliminary step.

Sometimes hypnosis may be a useful adjunct to therapy, particularly if a partner is not willing to participate in therapy. Self-treatment of this problem will probably be unsuccessful in most cases.

If a medication is believed to be the cause of the problem, other medication options may be discussed. (Never stop taking any medicine without first talking to your doctor.) This may be difficult in certain instances, especially when the medication is working appropriately to solve a pre-existing medical or psychological problem.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Hip pain

Hip-related pain is not always felt directly over the hip. Instead, you may feel it in the middle of your thigh or in your groin. Similarly, pain you feel in the hip may actually reflect a problem in your back, rather than your hip itself.
Two possible causes of hip pain are fractures and insufficient blood flow to the hip (aseptic necrosis).
A hip fracture can change the quality of your life significantly. Fewer than 50% of those with a hip fracture return to their former level of activity. In addition, while recovering from a hip fracture, several possible complications can be life-threatening. These include pneumonia and a blood clot in the leg , which can dislodge and travel to cause a clot in the lungs . Both are due to immobility following a hip fracture and hip surgery.
Hip fractures become more common as people age because falls are more likely and bones become less dense. People with osteoporosis can get a fracture from simple, everyday activities, not just a dramatic fall or injury.
Aseptic necrosis can happen if you have been on steroids for a long time or you have sickle cell anemia. Injury and regular use of alcohol also increase your risk.
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease is a type of aseptic necrosis that happens in children.
Other possible causes of hip pain include:
Arthritis -- often felt in the front part of your thigh or in your groin
Trochanteric bursitis -- hurts when you get up from a chair, walk, climb stairs, and drive
Tendinitis from repetitive or strenuous activity
Strain or sprain
Low-back pain such as sciatica

Friday, February 1, 2008

Alternative Medicine

Find Alternative Medicine Schools in the United States and Canada. Teaching students how to use natural therapy and medicines to restore and maintain health, alternative medicine schools also elaborate on how these natural therapies date back to 420 B.C.; around the time of Hippocrates.

Students of alternative medicine schools will begin to understand that alternative medicine is considered a practice beyond the realm of conventional modern medicine. For example, naturopathy, chiropractic, Ayurvedic, homeopathy, acupuncture and so many other alternative medicine treatments are readily taught in a variety of alternative medicine schools because the demand for these treatments is on the rise.

Because our bodies are composed of chemical and physical reactions, holistic practitioners, who have gained training through one of several alternative medicine schools, affirm that illness is not directly caused by pathogens such as viruses or bacterium; instead is the consequence of the body's reaction (in an effort to shield and heal itself) to a pathogen. Naturopathic and holistic doctors assist potential clients through alternative medicine by plainly alleviating symptoms of disease. This, among other valid motives, is a great reason for students to pursue an education through alternative medicine schools.

Successful graduates of alternative medicine schools learn to treat most conditions like headaches, sore throats, flu and cold, indigestion, ear infections, dermatitis, urinary tract infections, sprains and strains. Some chronic conditions such as migraines, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, cancer, muscle-skeletal pain, depression, stress, and even pregnancy and childbirth may be treated with alternative medicine as well.

Alternative medicine schools teach students proper nutrition in conjunction with vitamin and mineral supplements, and because plants and herbs are commonly used in alternative medicine to treat illness, students enrolled in alternative medicine schools will also attain a comprehensive education in other natural and non-invasive therapies. Some of these natural therapies may include hydrotherapy and hypnotherapy, which are common courses, taught in alternative medicine schools.

Overall, alternative medicine schools instruct students in how to improve mental, emotional, and physical health through natural and complementary medicines. In addition to encouraging psychic and spiritual growth, students who have graduated from alternative medicine schools learn how to help patients in restoring and maintaining overall wellbeing.

If you'd like to become an alternative medicine therapist or practitioner, Holistic Junction offers a vast array of alternative medicine schools from which you may choose to enroll. Take the leap and obtain a career in alternative medicine today!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Cancer - acute childhood leukemia

Alternative Names ALL; Acute childhood leukemia; Cancer - acute childhood leukemia (ALL); Leukemia - acute childhood (ALL)

Definition Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) is a fast-growing cancer in which the body produces a large number of immature white blood cells (lymphocytes). These cells can be found in the blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, and other organs.

Causes ALL makes up 80% of childhood acute leukemias. Most cases occur in children between ages 3 and 7. The disease may also occur in adults.

In acute leukemia, cancerous cells multiply quickly and replace normal cells. Cancerous cells take over normal parts of bone marrow, causing bone marrow failure. A person with ALL is more likely to bleed and have infections because there are fewer normal blood cells.Most cases of ALL have no obvious cause. However, chromosome problems, radiation, toxins such as benzene, and some chemotherapy drugs may play a role in the development of leukemia. Persons with Down syndrome or who have a brother or sister with leukemia have an increased risk for ALL.


  • Bleeding gums
  • Bone pain or tenderness
  • Easy bruising
  • Excessive or prolonged bleeding
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Joint pain
  • Infection
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Nosebleeds
  • Paleness
  • Palpitations
  • Pinpoint red spots on the skin
  • Shortness of breath (made worse by exercise)
  • Swollen glands (lymphadenopathy)
  • Swollen gums
  • Unintentional weight loss

Exams and Tests A physical exam may reveal the following:

  • Bruising
  • Enlarged liver and spleen
  • Signs of bleeding (petechiae, purpura)

Blood tests may show the following:

  • Abnormal WBC count
  • Anemia on a CBC
  • Low platelet count

A bone marrow aspiration may be show abnormal levels of certain cells.

ALL may also change the results of the following tests:

  • T-lymphocyte count
  • B-cell leukemia/lymphoma panel
  • White blood cell differential

If you are diagnosed with ALL, genetic tests will be done to determine the specific type of ALL. Doctors can look for chromosome changes in the cells of some leukemias. Leukemias with certain types of chromosome changes have a poor outlook, while those with other types of genes can have a very good outlook.

Treatment The goal of treatment is to get the blood counts and the bone marrow to normal. If this occurs, the cancer is considered to be in remission.

If you have acute lymphocytic leukemia, you'll need chemotherapy. For the first round of chemotherapy, you may need to go to the hospital for 3 to 6 weeks, but may later get chemotherapy on an outpatient basis. If you have a low white blood cell count, you may need to be placed in a room by yourself so you do not catch an infection.

Additional treatments depend on other symptoms. They may include:

  • Transfusion of blood products, such as platelets or special red blood cells, to fight anemia
  • Antibiotics to fight infection

If you go into remission, you may receive additional chemotherapy or radiation therapy to kill any cancer cells that are in the spinal fluid. You may also receive chemotherapy from time to time to prevent relapse.

If your leukemia returns or does not respond to other treatments, your doctor may recommend a bone marrow transplant after high-dose chemotherapy.

Support Groups Patients can ease the stress of their illness by joining a support group where members share common experiences and problems.

Outlook (Prognosis) Children usually have a better outcome than adults. The majority of adults go into complete remission. Without treatment, a person with ALL can expect to live for about 3 months.

Possible Complications DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation)

  • Relapse of ALL
  • Severe infection

When to Contact a Medical Professional Call your health care provider if you develop ALL-like symptoms, or if you have ALL and you have a persistent fever or other signs of infection.

Prevention Because the cause is usually unknown, it is not possible to prevent most cases. You may reduce your risk of ALL by avoiding exposure to toxins, radiation, and chemicals.

References Abeloff MD, Armitage JO, Niederhuber JE, Kastan MB, McKena WG. Clinical Oncology. 3rd ed. Orlando, Fl: Churchill Livingstone; 2004.

Hoffman R, Benz EJ, Shattil SS, et al. Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice. 4th ed. Orlando, Fl: Churchill Livingstone; 2005.

American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts and Figures 2007. Atlanta, GA: American Cancer Society; 2007.
