Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Removing Headache Or Migraine

Everyone has headaches from time to time, but some have them much more often than others. It's your body trying to tell you something, of course, it's hard to self-diagnosis. Did you know that much of the time these migraines or head aches are indeed caused from decreased blood flow? That's not good, you can understand why.

Perhaps, rather than popping a pill next time you have a headache, you should instead try using simple brain exercises and mind tricks to get everything working again. In fact, these mind exercises are so powerful that if you do them often, you simply may not even get head aches at all. Let me explain two exercises that can assist you:

Brain Exercise Number One:

Create a tingly sensation, warmth, heat, start at your toes and go one-inch per minute. Do not itch if you feel it, slowly work up your body, tell yourself you are healing inch-by-inch. Go slow, at first you will not be able to concentrate well enough to do your whole body, but eventually you will. By the time you get to your head, you will have forgotten about the pain or headache.

Plus, when you do get up to your brain you will see that the blood is flowing again and thus, you will have solved the problem. You will feel good again, without pain and without having taken any medication.

Brain Exercise Number Two:

Create an imaginary ring outside your head and spin this ring around your head both horizontally and vertically. This will also get the blood flowing, thus alleviating any discomfort and you will feel great again.

If these techniques do not work, you can then go to Plan B and take those little pills that are specially designed for migraines. Think on this and win.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Joint Pain Relief

If you joints are constantly killing you, here are three suggestions:

1. Traumeel is a product that has been used for years in Germany to relieve pain. I have not been overly impressed with the ointment; however, my colleagues claim that injecting it is the way to go. Dave Tate at Elite Fitness sells both forms. Let me just add the mandatory precaution here: make sure to have a qualified medical practitioner administer the injection if you go that route.

2. There's a product called Nu Joint Matrix that you spray on topically ... and guess what, this stuff seems to work! To test it for yourself, perform multiple sets of heavy eccentrics to induce muscular soreness and then apply the spray to only one side. You will notice the difference in no time. In fact, the company claims that it kicks in within 10 minutes of application. It smells like Pledge on your body but works more like Windex does in the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding!

3. Dr. D's Joint Support is by far the best joint supplement on the market. It attacks through several mechanisms - believe me, Dr. Di Pasquale makes sure that no stone is unturned! I recommend that you start with 5 tablets three times a day with meals. You can eventually wean down to twice daily (with breakast and dinner), and finally once a day (with breakfast) - the duration of each phase depends upon the severity of your pain as well as your financial status!

Now, imagine taking all three (injectable, topical and oral) applications at once! It should go without saying that regular consumption of Omega-3 fats (i.e. fish oil and flax seed oil) will help keep those joints well-lubed. Also, forget Tylenol (Acetiminaphen) and NSAIDs such as Advil (Ibuprofen) or Aspirin (ASA.) Research shows that on top of the havoc they pose on the gut's inner lining, they hinder protein synthesis.
