Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Pain Killer Addiction and finding a way out

Although detoxification is not a treatment for pain killer addiction, it can help relieve withdrawal symptoms while the patient adjusts to being free of pain killers or other prescription drugs. Addiction is both a biological and psychological condition. There are a number of effective treatment options to treat pain killer addiction to prescription opioids and to help manage the sometimes severe withdrawal symptoms that can accompany sudden stopping of pain killers or drugs.

Opioids should never be taken when drinking alcohol (also a drug) or when alcohol may still be in the system. Many chronic pain patients may be under-treated as a result of doctors who are trying to gain control over pain killer addiction, they report. Less common side effects and adverse reactions of pain killers are: confusion, hallucinations, delirium, hives, itching, hypothermia, bradycardia (slow heart rate), tachycardia (rapid heart rate), raised intracranial pressure, ureteric or biliary spasm, muscle rigidity and flushing.

Many other drugs can interact with the opioids and cause a variety of symptoms; this can be fatal. There are many side effects and adverse reactions that can occur with the use of opioids as pain killers. An opioid-dependent pain patient has improved function with the use of the drug while an opioid-addicted patient does not have improvement.

When you're addicted physically to a drug, like pain killers or alcohol, etc., it's because you've suppressed or shut down your body's production of endorphins, which are natural opiate pain killers; when this happens you start craving the drug that you replaced the endorphins with whether it's alcohol, any of a number of drugs or pain killers. Patients can innocently start taking pain killers after a moderate injury or because of a severe injury in an automobile accident, fall or for post surgical pain. Physical dependence on a drug suggests that sudden stopping of the drug may result in negative consequences.

Often people who are addicted to pain killers are plagued with various symptoms to different degrees; many times they don't associate the symptoms with the drug. Chronic pain affects one out of three or four adults; millions of people suffer from severe disabling pain. Pain killer addiction includes: opiate dependency, opiate addiction, narcotic dependency, narcotic addiction, and pain killer dependency or painkiller dependency.

Many insurance plans do cover inpatient detox, check yours if you have insurance. Some insurance companies will pay for one or two weeks; some may pay for rehabilitation too. You must leave the routine responsibilities of your life for a week or two or suffer the inevitable outcome and bad health effects of prolonged drug addiction.

Find out from your local health professionals where the closest and best pain killer addiction treatment centers are. You must make a change in your lifestyle in order to prevent you from taking pain killers and or other drugs again. It's important to go through rehab following your detox stay: make it a part of your plan of action.

A patient being treated with a pain killer can become dependent, but with controlled and appropriate use of the medication, the patient can return to some level of normal living and normal activities following discontinuance of the drug. It's important to remember that when people first start taking pain killers for an acute or chronic pain condition, they don't intend to become addicted. Experts say that only a small segment of patients with a medical need for using narcotic pain medications ever become addicted.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Welcome Happiness With a Smile on Your Face

What is the first thing that we usually notice on a person's face, when we first meet or greet him? In my opinion, it is a smile; or maybe the lack of it, that is the first thing to get noticed. And what can be more charming than a flawless, enchanting smile? And this is exactly the sort of smile which all of us dream of having. Perhaps, now its time for some action and reality bites as well; and it's time to transform our dreams into reality. With the extremely helpful procedures made available by the boom in cosmetic dentistry, your dream smile is not at all far from adorning your pretty face.
Say hello to the world of cosmetic dentistry, where everything is possible when it comes to restoring the structure and condition of your teeth, or restructuring or beautifying your jaw to give you a celebrity smile. There are various intricate and complex procedures involved in cosmetic dentistry that can improve the condition of your teeth to a great extent. Whether your teeth is chipped or broken, doesn't make much of a difference; even before you get to know, a cosmetic dentist can easily use veneers or implants to make your pearls look even. However, in case of tooth decay due to cavity, white fillings are used. Also, there are techniques for whitening and polishing of teeth that have been stained due to excessive indulgence in coffee, sodas or smoking. So that means, you teeth will end up looking even, bright, shiny, strong and smooth. Not just that, there are procedures for reconstruction of the jaw as well so that you choose a smile that suits your face the best. All throughout all these complex procedures, a cosmetic dentist will guide you with his expert advice and valuable suggestions as well. Isn't that amazing?
Because it's not everyday, that we get a golden opportunity to change the way the world looks at us.
Most of you would feel that these procedures would cost really high. However, it is important to note that it is not so, and these procedures are extremely affordable by common people like you and me.
So now you have nothing to stop you from smiling and charming people around you; as the procedures can be conducted by your local cosmetic dentist and are extremely pocket friendly as well. What adds to it is that there isn't much effort required on your part and within a matter of just a couple of days; you would get your impeccable smile, beautifying your face, and enhancing your personality. So book an appointment with your nearby cosmetic dentist right away and get ready to welcome happiness with your new smile.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Clinical Examination in Respiratory Disorders

Cough with or without expectoration, chest pain, dyspnea and hemoptysis are the most frequent respiratory symptoms. Cough with expectoration is a prominent symptom in inflammatory lesions such as bronchitis and pneumonia or in irritative and allergic lesions of the respiratory tract. Pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and early stages of bronchitis give rise to cough without expectoration. In some infections like Bordetella pertussis and Klebsiella, paroxysms of cough are followed by a long inspiratory whoop caused by laryngeal spasm. Cough elicited by change of posture (Postural Cough) is characteristic of bronchiectasis, lung abscess, and bronchopleural fistula, "Bovine Cough" or "gander Cough" is the term used to denote cough devoid of its explosive (tussive) phase. This occurs in bilateral adductor paralysis of the vocal cords. In asthma cough and dyspnea tend to recur regularly at night. In left sided heart failure with pulmonary edema, cough occurs in the recumbent posture. Development of a sudden and uncontrollable paroxysm of cough in an otherwise healthy person should suggest the possibility of an aspirated foreign body.
Cough is generally a protective reflex designed to keep the airway patent and clear the exudates. Sometimes irritant cough becomes troublesome, interfering with sleep and causing severe annoyance to the patient. Other unto-wards effects of cough include syncope (cough syncope), penumothorax, mediastinal and surgical emphysema and rib fractures (cough fracture). In children paroxysmal cough may lead to sub-conjuctival hemorrhage.
The material expectorated from the respiratory tract is called sputum. In healthy individuals the secretion of the respiratory passages is less than 100ml in 24 hours. And this is just adequate to provide a protective lining, and there is no expectoration. Expectoration in excess of 10-25 ml of sputum in 24 hours, should raise the possibility of disease. Copious amounts in excess of 300 ml are seen in bronchiectasis and lung abscess. Character of the sputum often suggests the underlying pathology. Sputum is serosanguinous in pulmonary edema, mucoid and sticky in asthma and chronic bronchitis, thick and purulent in bronchiectasis and lung abscess, creamy yellow in pulmonary tuberculosis, blood stained in carcinoma, tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, mitrial stenosis and pulmonary infarction, rusty in pneumonia and black in coal worker's pneumoconiosis. Foul smelling sputum is suggestive of bronchiectasis, lung abscess or gangrene of the lung.
Presence of blood in the sputum is termed "hemoptysis". In true hemoptysis blood is derived from the airways or the lungs. The quantity of blood may be small as in mitral stenosis or massive as in cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis or neoplasm. Sometimes blood is derived from the upper respiratory passages or mouth and this is termed "spurious hemoptysis". Hemoptysis is a manifestation of serious underlysing disease warranting full investigation. Though rare, massive hemoptysis results in considerable loss of blood demanding emergency management in non-respiratory hypertension occurring in mitral stenosis, acute pulmonary edema, pulmonary infarction, trauma and hemorrhagic diseases. Rarely massive and fatal hemoptysis may develop when an aortic aneurysm erodes into the trachea or a bronchus. Spurious hemoptysis is commonly resorted to by hysterical individuals to attract medical attention.
management of hemoptysis:
The patient should be hospitalized as an emergency and a rapid clinical examination is done to determine the cause. It is important to avoid percussion, which may worsen the hemoptysis. The patient is put to bed and sedated with diazepam 10mg administered intramuscularly. Respiratory depressants such as morphine should be avoided since they impair expectoration. Blood loss and its effects are assessed by monitoring the volume of blood expectorated and the pulse, respiration and blood pressure. If the blood loss exceeds 200-300ml in 24 hours and it is persistent, blood transfusion is indicated.
In the majority of cases the underlying cause can be made out by clinical examination and chest radiography. Specific treatment is instituted early (e.g antituberculosis drugs in abscess, etc) in conditions where such treatment is available, majority of cases subside with rest, sedation, and blood transfusion. In conditions like pulmonary neoplasms, bleeding tends to persist, In such cases emergency bronchoscopy is done to locate the lesion and bleeding is located and the opposite lung is normal, induction of collapse by artificial pneumothorax serves to arrest bleeding promptly.
Digital clubbing (Hippocratic fingers)
This is caused by increase in the volume of soft tissue in and around the distal phalanges of the fingers and toes, especially the nail beds. This leads to increased curvature of the nails. Severity of clubbing varies and this has been graded for clinical purposes.
Grade 1: Fluctuation of the nail can be elicited on the nail bed.
Grade 2: The normal angle between the nail and nail bed is lost.
Grade 3: The terminal portion of the phalanx and nail appears as a drumstick or a parrot beak.
Grade 4: In addition to digital clubbing, other regions show pulmonary osteo-arthropathy.
• Respiratory diseases- suppurative lesions like bronchiectasis, lung abscess, emphysema, and infected cysts; advanced tuberculosis with bronchiectatic changes, bronchoganic carcinoma, pneumoconiosis, fobrosing alveolitis, and pleural fibroma.
• Cardiovascular disorders- Cyanotic congenital heart diseases and infective endocarditis.
• Alimentary disorders- Malabsorption states, ulcerative colitis, cirrhosis of the liver, hepatomas and amoebic live abscess.
• Miscellaneous groups- Clubbing may develop in thyroxicosis. At times it may occur nonpathologically in several members of a family (familial clubbing). Repeated trauma to the finger tips as occurring in carpenters and blacksmiths leads to occupational clubbing.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Make hair healthy

The healthier you hair is, the more beautiful it will be. More often, you will make your hair look rather terrible if you often perm it or dyed it when you find a rather stylish one. Fortunately, there are some wonderful methods for you to take good care of your hair. Read on, you will find them really very helpful.
Above all, you should pay enough attention to wash your hair in a suitable way. Choose the most suitable shampoo for your hair and you can get advice from the salesman. When you wash your hair with shampoo, you should check that the foam is enough and try to add some water rather than shampoo if you think there is not enough foam. And you had better wash for two times which can make your hair cleaner and fluffier. And if you have dry hair, it may cause hurt to your hair if you wash for every day. And there is no need to change your shampoo very often unless you just have hair perm or in the winter when the climate is very dry.
Secondly, you should choose the right conditioner and use it in the correct way. there are many kinds of conditioners and only those contain enough protein can help strengthen the endurance and give enough nutrition to your hair. Before you use the conditioner, you are required to dry the hair with a towel so that the nutrition in the conditioner can be absorbed in an easier way. Then put some conditioner on the central part or the tips of the hair rather than the scalp hair foot. Add drops of olive oil will make the effect much better.
The last but not the least, you should use the dryer in a correct way so that there will be less hurt. It is much better for the hair to dry in a natural way, and if you had to use the dryer, you must not make your hair completely dry and if your hair is curl, you should shape it when it is still wet. And change the level at the lowest one will ensure your hair not to be hurt by the hot air. Keeping the distance of between the dryer and your hair over three inches and never let the dryer stay at the same place will be good ways to protect your hair.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Stop bleeding piles

Are your daily normal activities being disrupted by nasty piles? Just when you think you have total control over your piles or hemorrhoids, they start to bleed out. The consequence is more pain and irritation down there. And it can strike anywhere and anytime. Imagine when symptoms strike while you are making a speech in a company gathering or when you're out on a date. There is no way you can reach down there for a free scratch. Don't allow it to go on for long. Start researching on some much needed bleeding hemorrhoids treatment to ease your suffering.

Hemorrhoids are the inflammation of veins in the rectum that are similar to varicose veins found in the legs. These are mostly caused by increased pressure on the veins of the pelvic and rectal area. There are bowel habits that contribute to such pressure such as hurrying to defecate, thus leading to excessive straining or when you have persistent constipation due to lack of fiber in the body. Other factors are being overweight, pregnant, and even anal intercourse.

Hemorrhoids can be very unpleasant and painful. When they turn severe, they bleed and are pushed out of the anus and can cause a great deal of discomfort. Most people panic at the sight of blood, especially when it comes out of an unlikely part of the body such as the anus. But before you press the panic button, be aware that there are natural and surgical bleeding hemorrhoids treatment that you can grasp for support and relief.

If you are terrified to 'go under the knife' and would rather take comfort in natural cures and home remedies, consider the following techniques:

• The most basic and highly important bleeding hemorrhoids treatment is to change your diet. Incorporate fiber-rich foods like whole grains, cereals and raw vegetables. Fiber helps foods in the digestive tract to move freely and smoothly. Be firm in staying away from coffee and alcohol.
• Try the Sitz Bath Therapy as a bleeding hemorrhoids treatment. Simply fill a large basin or tub with warm water and soak your hips and buttocks. This helps reduce bleeding and inflammation. You may also add salt into the water and make a saline solution. Do this 4 to 7 times a day depending on the severity of your hemorrhoids.
• An effective bleeding hemorrhoids treatment is the application of creams and ointments that can be bought in your local health stores. A popular example is the witch hazel cream that is best for shrinking lumps and making them disappear.

If your hemorrhoids are giving you unbearable pain and discomfort, you have the option to have them surgically removed. Surgery ensures the permanent removal of hemorrhoids. Some of these types of surgeries are:

• Hemorrhoidectomy, which is the physical removal of hemorrhoids with the use of a scalpel, cautery and other surgical apparatus;
• Laser Surgery is done by destroying the lumps with the aid of a laser beam; and
• Injection Sclerotherapy or the injection of a thickening agent into the lumps to recede the swelling and slowly die out.

These are only some of the options available for bleeding hemorrhoids treatment. If you are unsure or undecided on your preferences, best to start with the natural remedies to do away with side effects. And when you are ready for a surgery, talk to a qualified physician for proper medical advice.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Eliminate Age Spots

You need to be cautious about what form of over the counter treatment you choose when seeking to eliminate age spots. Although most consumers innocently assume that there is nothing in topical skin care products that could harm them, they are very wrong in that assumption. Most of the over the counter skin care formulas contain a wealth of ingredients that could cause you harm.

The companies at times fill their products up with chemical compounds, mostly because they cost very little to use. Most people who use these products seem to believe that these chemicals are a necessary part of a skin care formula, and that they are necessary as preservatives and such. These chemical agents are not necessary at all, and many of them pose a danger to your health.

This is why you want to opt for an all natural formula to safely and effectively eliminate age spots, but even with all natural formulas you have to be careful. Some of the organic compounds commonly used as "skin whiteners" for reducing the amount of melanin in your skin can put you in grave danger. Some of the most widely used compounds are either toxic, or carcinogenic.

Hydroquinone is possibly the most popular melanin inhibitor available, but the millions of people that apply this compound to their skin may be putting themselves at risk of developing leukemia. Mercury (II) chloride and ammoniated mercury are also popular, but developing high levels of mercury in the system doesn't bode well for you at all.

These organic compounds to eliminate age spots can accumulate in your soft tissue over time, so it is best to avoid the use of products that contain them if it can be helped. There are natural compounds for reducing the melanin hyperpigmentation in your skin that are perfectly safe for you to use. Extrapone nutgrass root extract is one of them.

This compound comes from India, and has been used for centuries by the Indian people for the purpose of lightening the pigment of the skin. Extrapone nutgrass root extract will reduce the melanin content of your skin by up to 40%. It will get rid of the dark spots that now mar your complexion, and by keeping melanin content low prevent new hyperpigmentation from forming.

Extrapone nutgrass root extract is the way to go if you want to safely and effectively eliminate age spots.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Four natural ways to help prevent early hair loss

Hair loss occurs in a progressive nature. Most men have a specific pattern in which hair starts to fall out and then over the years increases down the same route. Women on the other hand, do not typically have the same experience. Unlike a receding hairline, or a particular bald spot forming on a man's scalp, a woman will generally experience broad hair thinning throughout the entire top of her head. In both cases, men and women, the pattern in which air falls out increases in time.

Many people assume that losing hair as we age is just a normal part of life. This same group of people also assumes that we have no responsibility when it comes to the cause of hair loss or the increased of the amount of hair that is lost in time. However, this is a wrong assumption. Below are a few examples of how people can directly cause the loss of their hair, whether they realize it or not.

1. Wearing hats most of the time: It is very fashionable these days to sport head coverings and tight caps. However, because hats can affect the blood flow to the scalp, this may cause hair loss. This is especially true if you wear tight hats. The result of hair loss due to covering your scalp with a hat does take time to make it's effects known, but once it starts, the pattern of loosing your hair speeds up faster than if you had never started the hat-wearing habit.

2. Oily scalp: Here is another example of a condition that can be directly related to the decrease amount of blood flow that is available to your hair follicles. By not washing your scalp enough a build up of natural skin oils can affect your hair. Regular washing can help reduce this problem.

3. Brushing your hair too much: This is one issue that I have personally experienced myself. I was once told by a hairstylist that if I want to grow my hair long then I should brush it with 50 strokes every time I went into the bathroom. Needless to say, after about six months, I noticed severe thinning in the areas that I was brushing. Once I stopped, the hair eventually started to come back like normal. Unfortunately, I set forth in motion a pattern that caused my hair to grow back thinner in that area for the rest of my life.

4. Brushing your hair too little: Opposite of brushing your hair too much, by not brushing your hair enough, you may not be stimulating the right amount of blood flow needed to retain growth in hair follicles. It doesn't take much, but just brushing your hair with a few strokes that hit the scalp will be enough stimulation.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Diabetic Meal Plan - Why Do You Need a Diabetic Meal Plan

Diabetes is one of the killer illnesses that most people have today. There are good number of people nowadays who are already suffering from diabetes, and due to such condition, they may be deprived from eating those foods which they usually eat. There are several problems that these diabetic people are usually facing. Most of the time, they want to eat those foods that they were used to eating before; however, with their condition it is impossible to live the normal life again. In such case, they need to have a diabetic meal plan.

If you are among those people who are suffering from diabetes, then you may need to have a menu which you need to follow in order to ensure that you are going to eat those foods which are good for your condition. When you are going to have your diabetic meal plan, then make sure that you are going to follow it by heart so that you can have the best benefits from it.

One thing that you are going to do is to lists down all the best foods that are advice to you by your doctor. It is important as well that you are going to make a list of those foods that are just suited for your health so that you can make sure that it will not affect your health by making your diabetes worst. Make sure that you have all the lists of foods so that you can immediately work on with your diabetic meal plan.

You can have lots of choices. You need to make sure that foods which are having low sugar content are present in your diabetic meal plan. There are lots of foods that are having low sugar content, and it is advisable for you to have since it will help your sugar level to get low. Moreover, with your diabetic meal plan, you can have the best guide for your every day meal. You can use it anytime when you wanted to eat, and you can already follow the right foods that you can eat in each meal that you are going to take.

If you wanted to have the best and ideal diabetic meal plan, you can also choose to consult the best dietitian in your place so that you can have the guarantee that meals are well planned and that they are arranged very well according to the various nutrients that you usually need. You can also try to follow those vegetarian foods, which are also best for diabetic patients.

You can search online for these best diabetic meal plan, and try to have it as well as your guide for your daily meal. When you are having the diabetic meal plan, then you can have the chance of controlling the calorie and the sugar level in your body. You can even control your weight loss and will even give you the full strength in your everyday living.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hearing Loss Prevention

Hearing loss prevention; most of us talk about it but very few of us actually take steps towards this. Loss of hearing usually occurs gradually and one of the main reasons for this is exposure to loud noise for long periods of time. Practice these hearing loss prevention methods which are natural and can be incorporated in your daily life.

It is important to be aware of the fact that loud noise can lead to gradual loss of hearing and you must take steps to minimize this. There are many tools like snow blowers and power lawn mowers which are noisy; hence cut down on the use of these or minimize the time that they are used. Noise emitted from vehicles especially motorbikes are another source of pollution so it is important that you expose yourself less to this type of sound.

There are certain recommended noise limits that you should expose yourself to so cut down going to those areas or stop indulging in those activities that emit noise above these levels. Another natural hearing loss prevention method is to use protectors like ear muffs or ear plugs. Many people stuff cotton balls or tissue into their ears but this is not a protective method at all. If used in the right manner, these protectors can help you cut down a lot to noise exposure.

Another top way of hearing loss prevention is to turn down the volume whenever you can. Avoid listening to very loud music on your radio or stereo system. Also turn down the television volume to the necessary level while watching. Listening to music on ear phones for long periods of time is also to be avoided and when using head phones, remember not to bring down the volume.

Also, remember never ever to stick in sharp objects into your ear like hair pin, cotton swab or any sharp object to remove earwax. Blow your nose gently especially when you are suffering from cold. These natural tips can to a great length prevent loss of hearing even in old age. Prevent your hearing loss right now, don't wait any longer.
