Monday, December 23, 2013

Herbs to lower Blood Pressure

Did you know that certain herbs can lower your blood pressure? It's true! By using these herbs you can find some great long lasting results that can help you maintain, or achieve a healthy lifestyle. The key though is to use the right herbs, so let's go over some of the best types of herbs that lower blood pressure.
But first, a brief history -
According to legend and story, the use of herbs in order to lower blood pressure has been around since 203 B.C.! Supposedly they were first used by a famous physician who was named Hua Tuo. The herbs that he used were made famous when he used them to carry out surgery on General Guan Yu, without using any anesthetic, General Guan was able to endure surgery while using these herbs, according to legend he did all of this while playing a game of chess! While I wouldn't recommend anyone to enter open heart surgery while relying on these herbs, the use and healing properties of these herbs can be traced throughout history.
What leaf is this? -
The anti-hypertension Tea-leaf flower is the flower that you should look to if you're looking at lowering your blood pressure. Hypertension herbal treatment has been studied in many different scientific environments. While most other medicines seem to decrease in effectiveness over prolonged use, anti-hypertension Tea-leaf flowers have been shown to increase in effectiveness over time! That means that they are not only safe, but a great long term solution to an extremely difficult problem that many people face.
Amazing properties of Tea-leaf flowers -
1. Anti-hypertension Tea-leaf flowers grow in trees, and are plucked in July. The leaves that are closer to the top of the tree have been shown to contain more chemicals that can assist people in lowering their blood pressure. Therefore the best leaves are the ones that are picked higher up on the tree.
2. The village that was known in China for its anti-hypertension tea-leaf flowers is commonly known as "longevity village". In other words, the people who lived in this village were well known for their health. This is probably due to the amounts of tea-leaf flowers that they consumed.
3. In the book "The Chinese Clinical Handbook for New Ways of Using Common Medicines" it was shown that drinking this tea was extremely effective. It showed that the effectiveness rate of the tea reached 93.3% during a 6 month period of study on various people consuming the tea. The scientific background behind this tea is great, and goes to show the effectiveness of these herbs. This goes to show that it is possible to begin lowering blood pressure with herbs.
If you're looking to lower your blood pressure, you may want to check these herbs out. This is exactly what you need, especially if you are looking at getting healthier in the future. The evidence is all available and the studies are all done. So what are you waiting for? You shouldn't play around with your health, these herbs have been shown to be effective for thousands of years, go with what works and use these herbs, lower blood pressure can really lead to a much more enjoyable life.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fruit and Vegetables for Diabetes

From an early age, parents tell their children over and over, it's essential to eat fruit and vegetables every day so they'll be healthy for the rest of their life. It's never too early to create positive habits. If you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes or other health issues, these ideas are even more critical.
These tips will help make it much easier to eat more fruit and vegetables:
1. Learn how much you need to eat for your body type. It does vary and the taller and bigger you are, the more you must eat to retain the same balance. You can't get fat by eating your vegetables and fruit as long as you're also eating other healthy foods to help make your meals tasty.
2. Don't look at the volume of fruit and vegetables needed as a mountain. Treat it like a series of hurdles. Add one extra piece of fruit or vegetable each day. Keep doing it until you reach your goal and then maintain it for the rest of your life.
3. Find different ways to add these foods to your eating plan. For example, you can finely grate zucchini, carrot or other similar foods and add them to your stews, pastas, meatloaf or chili recipes.
4. Don't stick to the usual vegetables and fruit. Have mango, kiwi or other more exotic fruits that you can buy in your local supermarket. If your taste buds are happy, you'll feel happier about the smart choices you make.
5. Make your blender your new best friend. Make yourself a delicious smoothie packed full of your favorite ingredients - different fruits that mix well and taste delicious.
6. Some of the fruits and vegetables are also good for spreading on sandwiches, rolls, other flavored breads and crackers. You can mash-up avocado or puree spinach after it's cooked. Experiment until you find foods you enjoy.
Tzaziki, hummus, yogurt and other dips are great ways to make your diet more diverse and help you avoid less healthy foods. If you don't want to use bread, use carrots or celery sticks and just dip them in. You could spread dip onto a banana just for something different.
7. Add fresh fruit to your breakfast cereal instead of sugar or honey. Blueberries or strawberries go well with oatmeal, as does almost any other fruit you wish to use. Oatmeal is good for breakfast and you can't afford to miss the first and best meal of the day; the meal that kicks off your energy levels.
These are only a few different ways you can include more vegetables and fruit in your eating plan over a reasonable period of time. Make the changes gradually then they will become a healthy habit.
Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. By adding more fruit and vegetables to your eating plan, its possible to protect your heart, kidneys, eyes and limbs from the damage often caused by diabetes, and eliminate many of the complications you may already experience.
