Friday, July 10, 2015

An eating diary

Emotional eaters understand the struggle behind feeling stressed, turning to food for comfort, and then beating themselves up for consuming lots of empty calories. It's a vicious cycle, and many feel as if they don't know how to get it under control.
Stress eating is a common condition amongst people of all ages and is done to assuage emotional needs and problems rather than actual hunger. Those who identify themselves as emotional eaters may view food as a type of comforting friend they can turn to when life becomes too overwhelming.
While they eat they feel safe and at ease, but the underlying problems are still there. Since much of this eating is emotion driven, you may find it difficult to pinpoint what exactly sent you to the fridge or the pantry in the first place.
An Eating Diary
Keeping an eating diary is one way to help you gain insight into your behaviors and the emotional triggers that set them off. By keeping an eating diary, you can identify important connections between when you eat, how much you eat, and why you eat when you aren't physically hungry.
An eating diary is simply a journal that is used strictly to chronicle what you eat, when you eat, and how much you've eaten. Those who keep such a diary include details such as:
  • Meal times
  • Portion sizes
  • Feelings before, during, and after eating
  • Nutritional value of the food
  • Thoughts surrounding the process
When kept for a prolonged amount of time and then studied, you may be able to find certain patterns and connections surrounding your eating habits.
For example, an emotional eater may find that immediately following a fight with a loved one, they have a meal. They might see that before the meal their emotions were running high, and afterwards, they felt comforted and calm. By simply keeping a log of these events, what is really fueling your eating habits can become suddenly clear.
How Do You Know If You're An Emotional Eater
We've all had those days when we eat when we're bored, go out for ice cream after a bad breakup, or even visit the pizza parlor to celebrate a victory, but does that make you an emotional eater?
The truth is that emotional eating is much deeper than a snack or outing following a significant event. It is often ongoing and accompanied by a severe influx or drop of emotions.
The following questions can help you figure out whether your eating patterns are ordinary or driven by emotional ups and downs:
  • You eat when you feel stressed
  • You eat despite not feeling hungry or even feeling full
  • You see food as a reward
  • You eat until you're stuff no matter what
  • You eat in order to feel calm and at ease (usually when feeling sad, angry, anxious, bored, or agitated)
  • You feel you have no power over food and how much your eat
  • You immediately feel safe when you eat
If the majority of these indicators applies to you, it is highly likely that you are an emotional eater. Keeping an eating diary can help outline in plain English your emotional and physical habits when it comes to stress and stress management.
When any patterns or connections become clear, you can then move forward by changing some of your coping skills to cut out eating when you aren't initially hungry.
Emotional eaters do not have to suffer with the physical problems this condition can bring. Instead, they can get themselves back on track through focused mindfulness and proactive steps such as therapy, exercise, and other healthy coping practices.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Reason to add more greens to type 2 diabetic eating plan

There is no doubt you have heard it time and time again, especially since you received your Type 2 diabetes diagnosis - "if you want to get healthy, you need to eat your greens." While you may realize greens are good for you, you may not really understand all the different ways greens do your body good.
To help make this clearer, let's look at four reasons why adding greens to your diabetic eating plan is a smart move...
1. Low-Calorie Density. The first reason to add greens is the reason most people already realize - low-calorie density. This means you can virtually eat as many of these foods as you like without accounting hardly any calories.
As far as weight control goes, this simply can't be beaten. You're looking at between 10 and 30 calories per cup for most greens, which hardly makes a dent in your daily calorie total. They will help you achieve your ideal body weight.
2. Important Immune Boosters. The next reason to add greens is because they will work hard to keep your immune system strong. These greens contain powerful antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals to ensure you can combat bacteria and viruses without a problem.
This may then mean you stay healthier longer, sidestepping common colds and flu, and even more severe illnesses.
3. Enhanced Digestive Health. Greens are also great for improving your digestive health as they will pack in a good dose of fiber. You can expect to see improvements in your bowel function when adding these foods to your diet plan. As well, fiber lowers your risk for Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, strokes, appendicitis, and even some cancers. A high-fiber diet can even help Type 2 diabetics reduce their insulin intake or, if on oral medications, reduce their dosage.
Focus on sources like kale, spinach, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts for the best benefits here.
4. Blood Sugar Stabilizers. Finally, greens are also excellent for helping to stabilize your blood sugar levels. Adding greens to your meals will slow down the release into your bloodstream of the other carbohydrates you eat at the same meal... meaning you don't get the blood sugar spike you otherwise would.
It's always a good idea to add a side salad to your main course meal, not only to help stabilize your blood sugar, but to prevent you from consuming too many calories at that meal.
So get those greens into your diabetic eating plan. Try and make yourself a large bowl of salad early in the day and have it eaten by the evening. You will then begin to see positive benefits as far as weight control and blood sugar stabilization goes.
Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Digital blood pressure machines

Looking back at the times, you will realize that people of those generations were actually leading a better
lifestyle. They used to breathe fresh air, free of the pollutants, ate healthy food free from the harmful effects of fertilizers and pesticides and subsequently did not fall ill so frequently. It is true that they did not have enough comforting facilities that we enjoy today, but they were actually leading a healthy lifestyle.
With the technological advancement, the complications around the world have increased and that has put a strain on the health of people living in the present world. It is extremely contrary, that the advancement has led to the increase in diseased while it is the only reason behind the medical facilities that are available to us today. The increased use of home healthcare products is a symbol that glorifies the fact and among them, the most common is the digital blood pressure machines that have been widely used in so many homes.
BP is an ailment that embraced only the old people back in the time. However, these days, even the youngsters as young as the school or college students are suffering from hypertension. It has expanded itself into a chronic disease that has been affecting many lives off lately. An abnormally high blood pressure can lead to sudden fits, ruptures of the arteries and even brain hemorrhage leading to immediate death. This is the reason why people suffering from hypertensions are often advised to regularly monitor their blood pressure to track any unwanted changed. It is extremely expensive if you try to get it checked on a regular basis with a doctor. However, if you buy a digital blood pressure machine, you can keep a check on your blood pressure yourself.
A person suffering from low BP on the other hand can collapse at any point of time if the blood pressure drops below the normal level. It may begin with dizziness or fatigue and even lead to unconsciousness. Such people are advised to keep a pinch of salt with them at least as it can act as an active remedy.
Home healthcare products facilitate people to monitor things right at their home itself. BP (whether hyperactive or low) cannot be cured, but if you keep a regular check and consume the prescribed medicines without failure, you can surely prevent yourself from the catastrophic effects. This creates a necessity of buying the digital blood pressure machine. It facilitates in easy home monitoring and saves you a lot of money that you might have spent by visiting the doctors for the same.
